This blog is about me (Tim Benson) and my time spent on the Africa Mercy working as a volunteer for the organisation Mercy Ships in West Africa. Everything here, however, is my personal opinion and is not read or approved before it is posted. Opinions, conclusions and other information expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of Mercy Ships. For information on how to support me please click here.

Friday, February 20, 2009

From Snow to Sand

Well today my friend Ben and I decided we would go for a change of scenery, so we took a road trip to Utah. We got up early at 4.30am and had some breakfast before heading out on a 3 hour drive West to the next state. Lucky for me Ben drove the whole way which meant that I could catch up on some sleep. We arrived in a small kind of touristy town of Moab and then a short drive from there we reached our destination of Arches National Park. We got a week pass(because there is no such thing as a day pass apparently) and proceeded to drive through the whole park just taking in the sites. Then at the far end of the park we parked the car and went on a 7 mile (11.5km) little hike around some of the more spectacular rocks and arches. We took our time and went off on most of the little side trails off the main track to see extra arches and things. After the hike which took us a few hours we sat on the back of Ben's car and had a delicious packed lunch that his awsome wife Rose had made for us, while starring out at the awsomeness of Gods creation and the great day we had to view it on. After lunch we took a nice slow drive back through the park before heading into Moab, where we aimed to grab and ice cream before heading back. This proceeded to be more difficult than we first thought as most small places in town were closed because the tourist season has not yet really started there. So we went from place to place asking where we could find some ice cream and after finally giving up and deciding to have a smoothy we were pointed in the right direction to the local diner where they had a nice selection of ice cream for us to choose from. After our ice cream we headed on home and got back around 6pm so it was about a 13hour day in all so we were quiet tired.

To finish off the evening me and Ben cooked dinner for Rose who had been working all day so couldn't come play with us and then had a nice game of Apples to Apples before bed.

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