This blog is about me (Tim Benson) and my time spent on the Africa Mercy working as a volunteer for the organisation Mercy Ships in West Africa. Everything here, however, is my personal opinion and is not read or approved before it is posted. Opinions, conclusions and other information expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of Mercy Ships. For information on how to support me please click here.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Giving Blood

It was my first full day of work because I had only done a half day before because of my knee. We had just finished work for the day and one of that ladies I work with just came up from giving blood and she is the same blood type as me so I wondered why they hadn't called me because I was on the list. Then I walked past reception and the receptionist called out to me and said the lab needed to see me straight away and I knew it was for my blood. So I rushed down to the lab as fast as I could, where Sarah one of the lab techs and a fellow Australian saw me and took me straight into the ward to start taking my blood. I walked into the room to find there were some others already in there giving blood, one of whom is a nurse but they were having problems getting the needle in her veins so it took 5 tries but they got it. There was also a photographer and a video camera (not a little hand held one but a bigger portable movie making one) in the room also and I later found out it was because the patient we were giving blood for is been operated on by a surgeon that is having a documentary made about him.

They came to get my blood and the needle went in ok (and what a needle it is its a 14 gauge needle they use for those of you out there that know what that is) and my blood started flowing fine. Then there was a bit of a problem. my blood started coming out slower and slower and then eventually just stopped all together(I later worked out it was because I wasn't hydrated enough because I hadn't really had very much to drink all day). After it stopped I started to feel sick in the stomach and was sweating alot and they said I looked really pale. I had no idea what was wrong at this point because this had never happened to me before when giving blood. So i lay back and just prayed for a few minutes while the nurse tried moving the needle around in my arm to get the blood flowing again. Then all of a sudden just like that it started coming again and they brought me a sprite to help me feel better. I was able to just make it past the minimum amount before it stopped flowing again, which I am so glad and thankful to God for because If I had not made the minimum they would have had to just throw it out and not use it.

I then rested a bit before going and having some food and drink some more. The next day the videographer came up to me and asked if I could answer a few questions for the film so we sat down and she filmed me while asking the usual "how did it feel" questions. So I guess I am going to be in the Documentary then.

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