This blog is about me (Tim Benson) and my time spent on the Africa Mercy working as a volunteer for the organisation Mercy Ships in West Africa. Everything here, however, is my personal opinion and is not read or approved before it is posted. Opinions, conclusions and other information expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of Mercy Ships. For information on how to support me please click here.

Friday, March 27, 2009


Well I had a great time in Vancouver staying with my friends Tom and Cindy and also hanging out with some other friends Niki and Chris. It was good to just hang out for a few days with Tom and I went with him to work one day(he is a truck driver) and did deliveries around Vancouver which was a really good way to see the city and it was also good to hang out with Tom. Then on the Friday Tom and I meet up with Chris and we went snow shoeing which was actually a first for all of us. It was a great day out and heaps of fun exploring one of the local ski hills. After snow shoeing Niki came and picked up both me and Chris and then they took me to a Hockey game! It was loads of fun I love sports of all kind and it was my first hockey game I had been to. It was a game in the WHL (Western Hockey League) and it was between Vancouver and Everett. Not that it really affects me either way but Vancouver ended up losing 5-3. Then on Saturday Niki and Chris picked me up again we went out for breakfast with Niki's parents and then went off to play paintball. It wasn't the best day for it because it was raining and the paintball fields were all muddy, but it was still heaps of fun. We were there all afternoon and had a great time and there was surprisingly a lot of people there playing as well. After paintball we headed back to Tom and Cindy's place where we got together and had dinner which was nice to then just sit around and chat. Then on Sunday Niki picked me up and and took me to her church where I got to see her parents again (they are great fun ) and then after that we went out for lunch and went bowling. After that we picked up Chris and went to see a movie, we saw “Watchmen” which I would have to say I am disappointed with.

Anyway well that pretty much sums up my time in Vancouver after that I caught a bus to Seattle and then a flight to New

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