This blog is about me (Tim Benson) and my time spent on the Africa Mercy working as a volunteer for the organisation Mercy Ships in West Africa. Everything here, however, is my personal opinion and is not read or approved before it is posted. Opinions, conclusions and other information expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of Mercy Ships. For information on how to support me please click here.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Snowboarding in Seattle

Well this happened just over a week ago now, but I have been traveling and just have time to try and catch up on my writing.

Well I arrived on time in Seattle where I was greeted by my friend from Mercy Ships Josh. It was good to see him again, he took me back to his place which is a nice little house right on the water front with a great view that he rents for cheap off someone. I had arrived late so pretty well as soon as we got back and settled in we went to bed.

We awoke the next day with the goal of teaching me how to snowboard. Well I was looking forward to it I had only ever been skiing once and only seen snow about 5 times in my life so I was up for the challenge. Lucky for me Josh had decided he needed a new snowboard so this meant he now had a spare which I could use and he had boots that fit me as well. So we headed out and stopped to pick up Josh's friend Sarah and she had some snow gear for me to borrow which was good and then we all headed up the local mountain. Once we got there Josh gave me a quick lesson on how to strap into the board then we went up the ski lift and at the top he gave me a few more instructions on how to lean on the board and then off we went. I spent pretty much the whole first half of the course we were doing falling my way down the hill, but after a few more words of wisdom from Josh I found myself on my feet actually snow boarding most of the rest of the way down without falling too much. After that Josh took me to try and teach me to turn and be able to go down backwards which u need to do in snowboarding, but that didn't go so well I could turn one way but not the other so for the rest of the day I just went down the different slopes facing the one way but it was heaps of fun.

After all was said and done I thought my first attempt at snow boarding went ok and after now having tried both snowboarding and skiing once each I would have to say that I liked skiing a little bit more because I picked it up a bit easier. Although that been said ski boots are incredibly uncomfortable and snowboard boots are the oposite and are really comfortable.

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