This blog is about me (Tim Benson) and my time spent on the Africa Mercy working as a volunteer for the organisation Mercy Ships in West Africa. Everything here, however, is my personal opinion and is not read or approved before it is posted. Opinions, conclusions and other information expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of Mercy Ships. For information on how to support me please click here.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Final Countdown

Well the time has almost come. I am in the last days before my departure of my next great adventure in life, I have a mere 4 days left in Brisbane with my family and friends before I am heading off. My First stop on this journey will be in New Zealand where i will visit some of my relatives, some of which I have not seen for a very long time. I will be spending 5 days total in New Zealand and will visit both Auckland and New Plymouth. This is something I am really looking forward to, but am also very nervous about as I haven't seen them in so long its like going to see strangers yet family at the same time.

After my time in NZ i will hop on another plane and head for the place where everything is bigger and better(or so I have heard), the big T, Texas. Now this will be my first time in the USA and I am really looking forward to it. While in Texas I will be doing a training course with the organisation Mercy Ships called their Gateway course, this course is like a candidates/orientation course for people who want to volunteer long term with the organisation. The course will go for about a month and I hope and pray that i learn alot from it.

After the Gateway course I plan on making the most of my first time around that side of the world and visiting a few friends i have over there in North America.

After that I will be heading back to what will become my home for at lest the next 2 years hopefully and maybe even more if thats God's plan, the M/V Africa Mercy. This is the only ship that Mercy Ships is currently operating and stays along the West coast of Africa offering specialised Surgical and Medical care, It will be in Benin when i join it. I have previously spent and year living on board this ship as a volunteer crew member, but this time will be a bit different. first off there is the fact that I am going for a longer period of time and also the last time i was on the ship I was self funded and this time i will be relying on my faith in God that he will provide for me through other people donating so that i will be able to pay the crew fees and other expenses i will have.

Well that is a little preview of what is to come for me and I will try and keep you all updated as I go along from stage to stage.

1 comment:

megan petock said...

sounds exciting Tim!!
I love the blog name!!
Stop by Philadelphia if your out east and I'll get you a cheesesteak :)(it's quite different from Texas :)
God Bless!